


ABRAS: Brazilian Supermarket Association.

ADR (American Depositary Receipt): Share receipt of a non-U.S. company, issued by a bank and held in custody by a U.S. bank; a trading instrument created so that non-U.S. issuers of stock can comply with U.S. security registration standards and regulations, and to make it easier for U.S. investors in these companies to receive dividends.

ANBID: National Association of Investment Banks.

ANDIMA: National Association of Financial Market Institutions.

Annual General Meeting – AGO: Meeting of shareholders of a company mandatorily called once a year by the board of executive officers or the board of directors

Assaí: A wholesaler offering competitive prices and exclusive services for business owners and home makers in practical surroundings. The main focus is on bulk shoppers seeking bargain prices, such as restaurants, pizzerias, school canteens, snack bars, bars, hotels and convenience stores, as well as savory pastry makers, hot dog outlets and other small businesses.

Assortment: The variety of products offered in the Group‘s stores.

Average Ticket: Net revenue per customer in a given period, arrived at by dividing total product sales in a given period by the number of customers served.


BACEN: Brazilian Central Bank.

By-laws: The Company’s Bylaws.

BNDES: Brazilian Development Bank.

BNDESPAR: BNDES Participações S.A.

BOVESPA: São Paulo Stock Exchange.

BR GAAP: Brazilian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.

Breakages: Loss of products in the stores as a result of expired, mishandled or stolen products.


CADE: Administrative Council for Economic Defense, Brazil’s antitrust authority.

Co-Branded Cards: The result of a partnership between GPA’s formats and credit card companies, they are designed to build client loyalty. The more customers use their cards, the more advantages they receive.

CBLC: Brazilian Depository and Clearing Corporation.

CDI: Interbank Deposit Certificate.

CETIP: Brazil’s OTC clearing house.

CheckoutStore points of sale where products are verified and paid for.

CMN: National Monetary Council.

CVM: Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission.


Dividend yield: A financial ratio that shows how much a company pays out in dividends relative to its share price.

Distribution Centers: Units responsible for the GPA supply chain.v


EBITDA: Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization; measures cash flow from the company’s operations before financial charges and accounting debits.

Extraordinary General Meeting – AGE: Meeting of shareholders of a company called to discuss and resolve on matters of corporate interest, except for those dealt with by the Annual General Meeting (AGO).


Format: GPA business unit.

Free float: Number of a company’s shares available for trading on the organized markets.


GDP: Gross Domestic Product.

GPA: Grupo Pão de Açúcar.


Market Cap (Market Capitalization): The total value of a company’s outstanding shares, valued at their current price per share.


NYSE: New York Stock Exchange.


Point of Sale (POS): A checkout.

PIS: Contribution to the Program for Social Integration, a social tax.

Private Label Cards: Cards for use in GPA stores only. This type of card enables the identification of clients, as well as ensuring their access to credit and strengthening their loyalty.


Quarterly Information – ITR: Accounting document that companies must submit to the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) on a quarterly basis.


SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission): U.S. institution responsible for protecting investors and maintaining the integrity of the securities markets. It regulates stock exchanges, financial market brokers and dealers, investment consultants, mutual funds and companies whose securities are publicly traded.

Sendas S.A.: A company with an interest in Sendas Distribuidora.

SPC: Credit Protection Service, a national entity for credit control.

Same-store Sales: Considers only those stores with at least 12 months of operations.

Stockouts: Lack of products on store shelves as a result of failure in the Group’s supply chain processes.