Policy and Commitments

Policy and Commitments

LGPD (General Personal Data Protection Law)

Associations and Coalitions

The Sao Paulo Environmental Agreement

It encourages companies, associations, and city halls to make voluntary commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to contain global warming below 1.5ºC, in line with the international effort set forth in the Paris Agreement in 2015 and endorsed at COP 26 in Glasgow held in 2021.

Unstereotype Alliance

Since 2007, we have integrated the Unstereotype Alliance, a program from UN Women, which aims to gather leader companies with a common purpose: fighting against gender stereotypes in all media and advertising content.

Associação Brasileira dos Atacadistas de Autosserviço (ABAAS - Brazilian Association of Self-Service Wholesalers)

We have been a member of it since its foundation in 2014. ABAAS represents the wholesale sector and acts on specific demands with the private sector, industrial sector, customers and public agencies, whether municipal, state, or federal.

Associação Brasileira de Supermercados (ABRAS - Brazilian Association of Supermarkets)

We have been a member of it since its foundation in 2009. Abras represents, integrates, and drives the development of the supermarket industry in Brazil, maintaining an open dialogue in negotiations with city, state, and federal governments. We are member of other related supermarket state associations bound to Abras, such as the Supermarket Association of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Asserj), Supermarket Association of the State of Minas Gerais (Amis), Supermarket Association of the State of Amazonas (Amase), and Abase – Supermarket Association of the State of Bahia.

Associação Brasileira do Varejo Têxtil (ABVTEX - Brazilian Textile Retail Association)

Since 2007, we have been a member of ABVTEX, which promotes the defense of the interests of the textile and clothing factories and trade.

Associação Paulista de Supermercados (APAS - Supermarket Association of the State of Sao Paulo)

We have been a member of this Association since 2009, committed to its purpose of bringing together supermarket entrepreneurs from the State of Sao Paulo to integrate its entire supply chain, professionalize the sector, ensure excellence in operations, and point out retail trends.

Coalition Brazil Climate, Forests and Agriculture

A cross-sectoral initiative aimed to address issues arising from climate change from the perspective of a new economy, based on the low emission of Greenhouse Gases (GHG) through concrete proposals to eliminate deforestation and illegal logging, the recovery of degraded areas, land management, social protection of communities, as well as encouraging competitive and sustainable production of food, forest products, and bioenergy.

Federação do Comércio de Bens, Serviços e Turismo do Estado de São Paulo (Fecomercio - Commercial Federation of Goods, Services, and Tourism of the State of Sao Paulo)

We have been a member of Fecomercio SP since 2009. This entity represents the interests of companies in the sector and develops actions aimed at fostering the economic growth in Brazil.

Business Coalition to Eliminate Violence Against Women and Girls

Aimed at giving greater visibility to this subject and make progress with the agenda of violence against women, we have adhered to the commitment that mobilizes over 130 Brazilian companies promoting actions able to generate transformations in the most varied spaces of society so that they can become safer, more welcoming, and free from all forms of violence.

LGBTI+ Business and Rights Forum

Strengthening our commitment to ensuring respect and equal treatment regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity and expression for everyone, we have adhered to and become a member of the LGBTI+ Business and Rights Forum. This forum is a mobilization of companies committed to recognizing and promoting the rights of LGBTQIA+ people.

Grupo de Trabalho da Pecuária Sustentável (GTPS - Sustainable Livestock Working Group)

It brings together representatives of various links in the livestock-related production chain. As members of this Group, we reinforce our articulation within the meat chain, which is a priority for Assai, aiming at continuous improvement of the activity and adoption of good practices with producers.

Grupo de Trabalho dos Fornecedores Indiretos (GTFI - Indirect Suppliers Working Group)

This is the main forum for discussions on traceability, monitoring, and transparency solutions focused on controlling deforestation of indirect suppliers.

Ethos Institute of Business and Social Responsibility

Amidst an ever-increasing growth in ESG practices among Brazilian companies, Assai Wholesaler joined the Ethos Institute of Business and Social Responsibility, which is structured as a civil society organization of public interest. This institution has been working for over 20 years to contribute to a more just, diverse, inclusive, and sustainable society. As Assai joined it, the Ethos Institute will support us in improving its social and environmental policies and practices through instruments such as working groups, lectures, access to trends and specialized content, among others.

Instituto para Desenvolvimento do Varejo (IDV - Institute for Retail Development)

Since 2009, we have been a member of IDV, which aims to strengthen the representativeness of retail companies from the most varied sectors operating throughout Brazil.

UN Women's Empowerment Principles

Assaí has adhered to the UN Women’s Empowerment Principles and the UN Global Compact, which has guidelines to further strengthen our gender equity practices for our people and the society as a whole.

Rede Empresarial pela Inclusão Social (REIS - Business Network for Social Inclusion)

Assaí is a member of REIS – Business Network for Social Inclusion, which disseminates good inclusion practices in the workplace by combining a variety of initiatives from society that promote employability for people with disabilities. This commitment reinforces our position regarding the inclusion and development of over 3,000 employees with disabilities who are in our Stores, DCs, Offices, and Headquarters.

Pact for the Eradication of Slave Labor

We have made a formal commitment not to keep anyone who uses slave labor in our production chains.